Kuverto templates

Paginate through Kuverto Records

Processes Salesforce records in batches when a query has returned multiple pages of results Get Started

Notify Slack when Kuverto Opportunity is "Closed Won"

Sends a celebratory Slack notification to a chosen channel when an opportunity is successfully closed in Salesforce Get Started

Create Kuverto accts/opps with Slack modal

Presents users with a referral form in Slack to create a new account/ opportunity in Salesforce Get Started

Sync Kuverto files to AWS S3 backups

Performs a daily sync of all files that have been added/updated in Salesforce over to AWS S3 Get Started

Popular Kuverto integrations

Kuverto, Microsoft Teams and Clickup

Kuverto and Asana

Kuverto, HubSpot & Webflow

Kuverto and Microsoft Sharepoint